Wednesday, 18 November 2015

3D design and modeling- Criteria B

 Design specification

Design Ideas

in this design i have d=created a she rack that has 5 layers. the first layer is a closed one that is a biometric lock so that the pets cant take the shoes. under that there is the sock organizer  that is a drawer then under that is a pull our diagonal storage compartment with diagonal shelves that shoes can be easy to remove and put in. under that is the same shelves. After that comes the last layer whcich fixes all shoes as you can place ruined shoes in and change settings so they can adapt to the mending required. I made what I intended to in the design and to my surprise I had the tools required to make it on tinker cad and make it seem realistic.

I did not choose to do this design as I thought it would be comparatively inconvenient as it is big, and take a lot of space as well as that it would attract more attention of the pet as it much more clearer than the previous design. if I were to  make this design it would consist of the previous design without the wall and it would have two extra wardrobe style shelves but the rest of the stuff would be the same

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